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General Terms of Use of the website


This Valeo Cyclee™ website ( is an information base for professionals concerning Valeo's Valeo Cyclee™ offer. Internet access allows you to obtain all commercial, technical and legal information concerning Valeo's Valeo Cyclee™ offer.

Target audience

The information provided on the Valeo Cyclee™ professional website is intended for professionals (shops selling, repairing or hiring bicycles). Its use is restricted to people and companies who are involved in the business of selling, repairing or hiring bicycles. This use requires a good knowledge and experience of the trade.

Right of use

Valeo has opened this site for the personal information of its users. Any commercial use, even partial, of the data presented here is prohibited, unless prior written consent has been obtained from Valeo. A portion of the website is accessible to the general public. This section provides access to: Technical documentation related to bicycle components (motor, display, battery, and charger). The product catalog, without purchase options. Some of the site's content and features require the creation of a customer account, validated by Valeo's Customer Service. Once the account creation is completed, the professional user can activate access to the site by creating a password. With this customer account, the professional user will be able to: Access the spare parts catalog; View technical content; Access the procedure and contact form for warranty management; Use the online diagnostic tool, designed for analyzing bicycles equipped with the Valeo Cyclee™ system. Access to the customer account is strictly reserved to the identified customer account and accessible via a confidential password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and your customer account information. Valeo reserves the right to suspend access to the service at any time in the event of maintenance of the service or any risk to the security of the service. Valeo also reserves the right to terminate the service permanently and at its own discretion, subject to thirty (30) days' notice on the home page of the site.

The Valeo Cyclee Service Center Network

Valeo offers repair professionals a closer collaboration through their integration into the Valeo Cyclee Service Center network (the “Network”).

Membership in the Network allows access to a number of services and benefits provided by Valeo (the “Rights”). In return, Network members are required to comply with certain obligations to ensure the most complete and efficient repair service possible (the “Obligations”).

The Rights

  • Free Training: Once the repair professional registers on the Valeo Cyclee™ website, they become eligible for free training on the Cyclee™ system and related tools (operation of the Valeo Cyclee™ site, operation of the diagnostic tool). These trainings can take place at a Valeo site or directly at the repair workshop, at Valeo's discretion.

  • Communication Materials: Valeo provides Network members with physical communication materials (including displays, banners, advertising columns, stickers, work vests) and digital content (ready-to-use materials for the professional's communication channels), allowing individuals to identify the professional’s membership in the Network.

  • Listing on the Valeo Cyclee™ Website: This listing on the repairers' map on the Valeo Cyclee™ site allows individuals to find the nearest professional (dealer, repairer, or both), thereby offering visibility to Network members.

  • Exclusive Communication on the Cyclee™ System: Network members benefit from a preview of new features of the Cyclee™ system, with the opportunity to test the products during this occasion.

The Obligations

  • Network members must agree to handle all repairs of the Cyclee™ system, regardless of the bike brand equipped.

  • Complete registration on the Valeo Cyclee™ site: Professionals wishing to join the Network must provide all necessary information for their listing on the repairers' map (postal address, type of store, phone number, and/or email address).

  • Attend the free training provided by Valeo on the Cyclee™ system.

  • Ensure communication complies with Valeo's guidelines: Digital communication by the professional (via their website or social media) must use the content shared by Valeo. At this occasion, the name and logo of Valeo Cyclee™ must not be altered.

  • Become a partner of Valeo: In the interest of contributing to the improvement of the Cyclee™ systems, Valeo will occasionally ask Network members for their feedback on these products or to make recommendations for their enhancement.

Valeo reserves the right to exclude any professional who does not comply with the Obligations. This exclusion entails the removal of these professionals from the repairers' map.


The presentation and content of this Valeo Cyclee™ website together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which Valeo is the owner. No reproduction and/or representation, in part or in whole, may be made without the prior written consent of Valeo.

Valeo, Cyclee™ and Valeo Cyclee™ names and logos, as well as slogans, are, unless otherwise indicated, registered trademarks of Valeo. Any reproduction, use and/or modification made without the prior written consent of Valeo may constitute an infringement.

The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documents shown on this website are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the property of Valeo or of third parties who have given Valeo limited authorisation to use them.

As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, and/or transformation, whether partial or complete, or transfer to another site is prohibited.

Only printing for private use of these different copyrighted objects is allowed. Reproduction in whole or in part for any other purpose without the prior written consent of Valeo is prohibited.


The information on the Valeo Cyclee™ website is provided for information purposes only. No warranty is given as to their accuracy, completeness and timeliness. This information does not exempt the user from the usual checks that are required of them as a professional in the trade.

However, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the information on the Valeo Cyclee™ website has been carefully prepared and verified. If, despite these precautions and checks, an error has crept into the documents, Valeo cannot be held responsible for the prejudicial consequences of this error.

Valeo has implemented the necessary means for a fast and reliable service. However, certain technical problems may be beyond the control of Valeo's technicians, who cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to the Valeo Cyclee™ website at all times. Access to the website may also be temporarily interrupted for technical maintenance. If access is interrupted for a technical reason, technicians will restore the service as soon as possible, unless the cause of the interruption is outside the scope of Valeo’s responsibility (i.e. in the event of an interruption due to the Internet network, malfunctioning of the user's equipment, etc.) or if it results from a case of force majeure.

Exclusion of warranty and liability

In any event and to the extent permitted by law, it is understood that all warranties (express or implied) relating to the Valeo Cyclee™ website, its contents and the use thereof, are excluded. With the exception of gross negligence, death or physical damage caused by our negligence, Valeo disclaims all liability to the user in connection with the use of this website.

Valeo shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including, inter alia, lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of data or other intangible losses (even if Valeo was warned of the possibility of such damages), arising out of or resulting from: (a) the use of or the inability to use the Valeo Cyclee™ website; (b) the use of any content or other material presented on the Valeo Cyclee™ website or any website accessible via the Valeo Cyclee™ website.

For all intents and purposes, and given the free nature of the website and its purely informative nature, it is agreed that Valeo's liability, should it be incurred, is limited to 100 Euros.

Hypertext links may be provided from time to time on the Valeo Cyclee™ website. These links are provided for convenience. Valeo assumes no liability for the content of the websites to which these links redirect. Valeo is not liable for the availability of these links or for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using these links. Users who decide to access linked sites do so at their own risk.

Protection of personal data

Valeo is committed to protecting the personal data of any person who accesses the website. The attached Data Protection Policy defines Valeo's commitments in this respect.

Changes to these terms

Valeo reserves the right to modify these terms of use from time to time without notice. Such changes shall be effective upon the posting of such amended terms on this Valeo Cyclee™ website.


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© Cyclee - Valeo 2025
